0 3 yrs


The book Deuteronomy is the main work of the prophet. Full of value.

Memory Text: 1 John 4:8 – He who does not love does not know God, for God is love.






This book is written at the end of a 40 years journey through the desert. Moses reminds the Israelites about the countless blessings of God. A wise man tells the history of the people of God.



The whole creation shows the love of God towards us. The creator creates human beings in order to be free to love God.



One catastrophy followed the other. What is the sense of all these happenings?



Abraham followed God`s advice about wandering to a foreign country far away. He experienced God`s blessings time and again.



God frees his people out of slavery in Egypt and makes a covenant with them. What a privilege for the Israelites.



If trust in God turns to mistrust in God then everything goes downhill.



The history of God`s people is full of surprising moments, going up and down all the time.



The book Deuteronomy is the main work of the prophet. Full of value.